Antigua and the United States have long been entangled in an Internet law “trade war.” Online gambling and copyright protections...
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China’s new online defamation law is already in effect. Teenager Arrested Under China’s New Online Defamation Law For “Provoking Troubles”...
2017 Update: Alas, American poker enthusiasts, the 113th Congress did not pass the Internet Poker Freedom Act. But, for archival...
Are we on the brink of a new era of legal online gambling? 2017 Update: This online gambling law bill...
What is trade libel? It’s the act of lying about a business or product — and instances are skyrocketing because...
Lately, political defamation cases are all the rage! Let’s review two recent suits: A French slander lawsuit involving The Troublemaker,...
A high-profile defamation lawsuit is taking place in Canada. It could have significant impact on future libel lawsuits in the...
Defamation Case Example: An Australian Politician Wins Slander Lawsuit Against Celebrity Comic Aussie Comic Mick Molloy and the Ten Network...
Poker is a game of skill, not chance — so said a New York judge, and the ruling could have...
Who Is This Pro-Copyright Troll Judge Of Which You Speak? No stranger to the nuances of online copyright issues, Judge...