Which English-speaking countries have the most plaintiff-friendly defamation laws? Commonwealth countries — like The United Kingdom, Australia and Canada —...
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Florida Defamation Definition In Florida, defamation is a false statement of fact, communicated to a third party, which is meant...
You wake up one day, power on your phone, and BOOM! Life exploded overnight. An enemy successfully hacked your Facebook account...
Online purveyor of pro-paramour lifestyles, AshleyMadison.com, encouraged users to “have an affair,” because “life is short.” Well, the company’s lifespan...
They’re heeerrrreeee….. Ladies and gents, we’re entering a new era of the Internet. For some time now, we’ve been freed...
A recent employment defamation ruling involving a finance broker serves as a beacon of hope for anybody looking to sue...
Is An Online Review Poster Going To Jail? A paid online review rabble-rouser is in deep poo over a Google...
A retired World Wrestling Entertainment (“WWE”) super star, CM Punk, is being sued by a ringside doctor named Christopher Amann....
In this post: Is Yelp scamming businesses via their advertising model?Advice for people dealing with negative Yelp reviews Dear FTC:...
Impersonating someone on the Internet: Is it perfectly legal to set up a Twitter or Facebook account using another person’s...