Protecting your online reputation can be as difficult as winning the Tour de France…clean. So, what can businesses do when...
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An online review defamation case out of the UK raises a tricky question about Internet criticism: Where, exactly, is the...
If Nevada’s defamation bill SB444 passes, it’ll be easier for businesses to protect their online reputations. True Issue at the...
You’re a plastic surgeon who recently operated on a woman named Cruella. Faithful to her name, Cruella likes to complain...
Arkansas Slander and Libel Laws Arkansas Defamation Definition In order for a written or spoken statement to be deemed defamatory...
Which English-speaking countries have the most plaintiff-friendly defamation laws? Commonwealth countries — like The United Kingdom, Australia and Canada —...
Georgia Slander and Libel Laws Georgia Defamation Definition Georgia law defines defamation as an unprivileged, false and defamatory statement, concerning...
As one of the first law firms to concentrate on Internet defamation law and online trade libel, Kelly / Warner...
Louisiana Slander and Libel Laws Louisiana Defamation Law Louisiana defines defamation as a means of communication – written or spoken...
Politicians gavel’d H.R. 5111, the Consumer Review Fairness Act (CRFA), into federal law. What does ratification mean for small businesses?...