You’re a plastic surgeon who recently operated on a woman named Cruella. Faithful to her name, Cruella likes to complain...
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If you’ve ever argued over hours with your significant other, the trade secret defamation case of Lee v. Li will...
An international finance firm, Hayman Private Equity LLC, won a $5 million defamation award from Environmental Service Professionals, Inc. (ESP)....
Anti-Revenge porn laws have gone viral. Most states in the union have a bill in the draft-to-ratification pipeline. Even Japan...
Federal Judge Nora Barry Fischer green lit Tiversa Holding Corp’s trade libel lawsuit against LabMD – a cancer detection facility...
A much publicized Twitter defamation case has come to an unceremonious end. An equine scandal gone legal, Feld v. Conway...
Turkish officials engaged in a Twitter defamation standoff before the country’s elections last weekend. Turkish politicians shut down Twitter after...
Tech marketing executives launch anonymous defamation suitAccused of “pump and dump” shenanigansAsking for court order to get ISP addresses of...
Where do U.S. courts fall on the issue of defamation by implication? Do First Amendment rights render the notion unconstitutional?...
“With cases involving outrageous parody and satire, the path of least resistance has been to find the ‘speech’ non-defamatory as...