Finance Firm Says SEC Is Slander Happy, So It’s Suing.
Arjent LLC, a boutique finance firm with domestic and international outposts, sued the Securities and Exchange Commission for harassment, slander,...
Arjent LLC, a boutique finance firm with domestic and international outposts, sued the Securities and Exchange Commission for harassment, slander,...
A former Royal Air Force expert won a defamation lawsuit against the Mail on Sunday. Dr. Joel Howard, a defense...
An international defamation lawsuit out of Ecuador caught our attention. In brief, the three-term (and counting) president of the country,...
Last week, we blogged about a doping-related defamation lawsuit waged by former MLB player Albert Pujols. Welp gang, it looks...
Artist-cum-conspiracy theorist Uri Dowbenko once sued Google for defamation. His chances of winning the case: slim. The case’s E.Q. (entertainment...
Section 230 Protections Weakened In WA, NJ, and TN (For A Minute) Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is...
One way to win a defamation lawsuit is to successfully argue privilege. In the simplest terms, privilege is when one...
Can you be sued for retweeting defamatory statements? Retweeting Defamatory Material: Jurisdiction & Liability It’s an oft-asked question: Is it...
It’s Wednesday. Hump Day. So, we thought we’d jump-start the morning with a jolt of lighter legal fare. Specifically, a...
Thanks to the Internet, defamation is on the rise — for communicate ease also means an increase in knee-jerk lie-telling...